Of void and lost things
This project is a reflection on the sense of loss, on the inevitablevoid accompanying the awareness that the order of things has been subverted. Talk about disintegrated everyday life. It isolates that dull feeling, which pervades the moment when nothing is as it was before, trying to create a visual parable that tells how, in front of this painful sensation, all social differences are canceled, and it is not important how you get to that state of suspension but when you are but when you are loaded with this painful sensation, you areall the same. "Of void and lost things" is a transference comparing the pain of the disappearance of one's father with the pain of the exodus that has lost its status quo, its normality. The project thenbecomes a metonymy on human pain starting from a category " theexodates " to transfer it to the social fulcrum, the ego, showing thatin pain there cannot and must not exist differences or distances.